2012 was by no means a total waste, but there were things that us Diamondbacks fans probably want to forget. I’m still trying to erase those “iDbacks” Italian themed jerseys from my memory as we move into 2013. Remember those? Yikes… As Kevin Towers said earlier this off-season” We’re not far from being a contender.” These are words that most Diamondbacks fans will probably agree with, whether they like it or not. I don’t know how many times I sat in front of my T.V. this year saying “I wish we had a big bat that could come off the bench and win a game.” If you’re wondering if people looked at me weird when they heard me talking to myself during games on FS Arizona, the answer is YES. I won’t miss not having a go-to guy off the bench that can win a game with one swing. Kevin Towers has stated a concern in this area so hopefully some shopping gets done this week to fill the void. Actually, now that I think of it, someone call Matt Stairs and see if he wants to play in Arizona! Anyone? No? OK.
2012 is over. Time to regroup. I just hope we dont bring these jerseys to 2013 with us.
I won’t miss blown saves. The fact that J.J Putz and Heath Bell will be in the same bullpen this year is something that excites me. I understand that saves being blown was not really a giant concern, but Todd Helton‘s walk-off in Colorado left a bitter taste in my mouth. I cried at that game and I’m not ashamed of it! The bullpen had a wacky feel to it, anyway. Inconsistent starting pitching led the boys from the pen to be put in situations out of their comfort zone. If Wade Miley is reading this, tell him to disregard my comments about inconsistent starting pitching. There are things that I want to forget about last year and the biggest one is that Daniel Hudson spent his time tweeting with his arm wrapped in ice when he should have been pitching. Injuries are inevitable in the game but Hudson’s bum arm seemed to really effect the flow of the pitching staff. Hudson is set to return sometime shortly before the All-Star break. Fingers crossed.
2013 is a time for transformation and filling voids. The good thing is the front office knows and has touched upon their shortages (At least I hope so). What are the things that you won’t miss from last year? A superhero umpire? That bearded gimmick in San Fransisco that we had to see 18 times? Tweet your thoughts to @realcmoff18 and @venomstrikes.