Diamondbacks Pitching Rotation Very Shaky Going into 2010


Have you looked at the Arizona Diamondbacks starting pitching rotation lately?  Not very good, huh?  Those that have performed well for a stretch this season, don’t expect them to be around in 2010.  All five pitchers in the current rotation could have different teams/roles in 2010, save for Dan Haren.  However given Haren’s recent performance, I suggest a seven man rotation.

A look at the current top 7:

Brandon Webb – he is injured, out for 2009.  He lasted only a few innings before injuring his shoulder, arm, chest, whatever it is.  Whatever it is though is going to keep the Dbacks from offering him a contract for 2010 and beyond.  The team holds an option for 2010.  I’m guessing they opt out of paying him $8 million and let him go for nothing.  Damn shame too.  I love Webby and he’s going to get a raw deal.

Dan Haren – outstanding up until July 15th.  After that, not so much.  He has looked very average over the past 6 weeks.  For 2010, I suggest he pitches in the roation until July 15th and after tha, gives way to a guy who has proven he can last the whole season.  I don’t know who that guy is yet though.

Doug Davis – all but gone.  The lefty stayed after almost going to the Milwaukee Brewers, but ended up staying here for the season.  I would expect him in another uniform in 2010.

Jon Garland – all but gone.  In fact, I’m surprised he hasn’t told the team and his teammates where they can stick it.  Comments made throughout the year indicate he is not happy here.  That and he hasn’t pitched well, especially at Chase Field.

Max Scherzer – a pwer pitcher, not made for the starting rotation.  Here is a guy that may still be around in 2010, but he seems more built for relief.  He just doesn’t last long into games.  His pitch counts are ridiculous before he reaches the 4th and 5th innings most of the time.  He’s wild and until he can prove he can control his pitch count and learns, really learns how to be a MLB starter, he just seems to be a better fit for the bullpen.

Yusmeiro Petit – this one is the toughest call I think.  He has had two great starts in his past three efforts.  He’s had flashes of brilliance in others, even in games he’s eventually been blown out of.  Another guy though where endurance is in question.  I’ve got to think if he is starting though in 2010, it won’t be in Arizona.

Billy Buckner – word is this guy is ready to return to the majors to start.  I hope that word passes by Josh Byrnes.  He isn’t very good when pitching to major league hitters.  Listen, he may be able to school minor leaguers, but when he reaches “the show”, he is clearly shown that his stuff just doesn’t measure up on a consistent basis.

Scott Allen