Diamondbacks as About as Predicatble as the Oscars

The Oscar Nominations were announced today.  If you have seen any of the Best Picture nominees, you know it is a pretty solid group of films.  However, given Oscar’s past, you can pretty much count on one thing, at least most years, unpredictability.  You can say the same thing about the Arizona Diamondbacks for the most part as well.

Sure, you can predict they may be lousy as they have been for the better part of the past two seasons.  Sure, you know the stats will drive you crazy and the stands will be 15 percent packed against teams like the Florida Marlins and Washington Nationals and 125 percent packed on bobblehead giveaway nights.  What you can’t predict is who will contribute to the lousiness we may soon come to watch this summer?

Just when you have things figured out, you don’t.  I know, deep.  However, if you’ve been a Dbacks fan for as long as I have, you know what I am talking about.  When the season ended the first weekend of October in Los Angeles, little did I know who would fill this roster out.  Yeah, we had the sure bet guys like Brandon Webb, Mark Reynolds, and Augie Ojeda would not be on the 2011 roster.  However, who knew we’d pick guys up like Juan Miranda, Melvin Mora, Geoff Blum, J.J. Putz, Hector Blanco, Micah Owings, Zach Duke, Armando Galarraga, and Xavier Nady?  I’ll be honest, none of those guys was on my radar.

You’ll probably be saying the same thing about the Oscar winners.  Sure, we all thought The Social Network and The King’s Speech had the best shot at winning, but then a movie like Toy Story 3 comes around and hits on the biggest surprise in the history of the world and wins Best Picture.  Of course if that happens, pack it up.  I loved Toy Story 3.  Personally I thought it was the best of the trilogy.  Let’s be honest though, the chances of an animated film winning Best Picture are just slightly better than this group of current players that make up the Dbacks roster winning the World Series.  Pack it in folks if this is all it takes.  Just give up and rent space on the moon.

You can’t blame the Dbacks for trying.  They had to do something.  It would be amazing to see this group of players just do a little regular season winning and possibly finishing at .500 or above.  That’s a lofty goal at that.  Just when you have it all figured out though, something amazing happens.  Maybe Dbacks general manager Kevin Towers has a method to his madness after all?  By the way, having only seen True Grit and Toy Story 3 of the Best Picture nominees, just based on publicity, trailers, clips, and awards already handed out, look for The King’s Speech to win it all.  I plan on seeing them all by the time the statues are handed out.