Clearly, there are a number of places you can go to get tickets to an Arizona Diamondbacks game. You can always start at That’s where your average fan will go first. There’s also Ebay,, any number of ticket brokers as well. My favorite place to strike a deal? This is where fans sell their tickets to you, many times well below face value.
I was thinking about the best places to get Dbacks tickets the other night, right after it was announced kids would get in free next week during the Houston Astros series. I thought “what a great deal”. Yeah, not so much. I found three tickets cheaper on Stubhub than for what the cost of two was with the promo on
Sure, offers convenience. After all there is the “convenience fee” you have to pay, which brings me to why is not always the best deal. You see, their ticket system is hooked into Ticketmaster, the biggest ticket fee scammer in America. I mean they have fees for convenience. C’mon really? There is one good thing though – they only add the convenience fee in with Dbacks tickets. Arizona Cardinals tickets is a whole other issue.
So, this kids free promo was going to cost me $15.25+$3.00 fee/ticket for $18.25/ticket. Multiply that by two for my wife and myself, that comes out to $36.50. That is what two bleacher seats will get you for the Houston Astros next Tuesday August 9th. Kid comes in free, so $36.50 is still a good deal, but not the best.
I got and sure enough, I find three $6 bleacher seats. Multiply that by three and you get $18. There is a $5.00 service fee and a $5.25 download fee for a total of $28.25 – a savings of $8.25. Now granted, I don’t get to pick my exact seats like I do at, well, I do get to pick the row and section on Stubhub, so close enough. On you also are not allowed to buy single seats that leaves only one seat in a row. They think you are leaving someone lonely. Get real Dbacks.
Ebay, the price just gets driven up by people who love bidding for the sake of bidding, so most times for tickets you’l lose out there. Ebay is great for many things, not necessarily tickets. Craigslist people just like to scam you or say “make me an offer”. Listen – YOU are selling the damn tickets, YOU make the offer dude. Tell me what YOU want for them.
Anyway, will occasionally have a good deal. It’s not like I haven’t bought from there before, however, I always look for better options first since most times I am taking my 4-year old son with me. Oh and by the way, $19 deal – not so great, just thought I’d clue you in. Don’t even get me started either on the All-You-Can-Eat section cause it really is but isn’t. Too many food/drink rules.
All that being said, no matter where you buy your tickets, fact is this team is hot and go buy your tickets!