Ken Kendrick in the news again…
Ken Kendrick is the owner of the Arizona Diamondbacks. He has been since 2004. In that span, Ken Kendrick has endured a number of issues spanning his time owning the team. There was the well publicized issue with Maricopa County over who is responsible for paying to fix the stadium. He won that battle yet the stadium still hasn’t been restored completely years later. Have you seen the center field screen? I l lost count of how many green pixels there are. The team has consistently ranked in the bottom of the MLB payroll and standings even though the team is now worth over a billion dollars.
He also tried to force minority owners of the Diamondbacks out through buyouts. This resulted in those owners suing him. The results of the case have not been announced yet to my knowledge. Ken was also publicly sued by a neighbor of his due to Ken illegally ordering 16 of his neighbor’s cottonwood trees be cut down so that Ken could “better his downvalley view”. He wanted a better view so he cut down trees that his neighbor owned and supposedly lied to the county to do it.
The Latest: Ken Kendrick gets hurt by a Twitter post so he pressures to have the poster and well known lawyer FIRED
Yes, it seems that Kendrick has gotten someone fired for a tweet. A former Attorney General for Arizona, Mr. Woods, tweeted his thoughts on the Diamondbacks this season along with his brief thoughts on Mr. Kendrick.
This is Mr. Woods’ tweet…
So the AZ @Dbacks today set the record for most consecutive road losses in the history of baseball. In Spring Training, we said this team is non competitive and an insult to fans. KK needs to sell the team to someone who cares. Or don’t expect us to care. @mlb
— Grant Woods (@GrantWoods) June 17, 2021
Granted Mr. Woods worked for a law firm that represents the Diamondbacks and is a long-time season ticket holder. Yet, he had never worked a case for the team.
Mr. Woods’ boss had sent him an email alerting him to his concerns over the tweet after the Arizona Republic published it in his newspaper. Apparently, the boss then emailed it to Kendrick as well.
Kendrick went out of his way to make sure that his thoughts on this were made clear to Mr. Woods through an email that Zach Buchanan provided with the approval of Mr. Woods…
After former AZ attorney general Grant Woods sent out a tweet calling for the D-backs to be sold, he received a "threatening" email from owner Ken Kendrick that called him "an arrogant a–hole."
— The Athletic (@TheAthletic) July 23, 2021
Woods was fired from his law firm soon after, a move the firm claims is unrelated.
The email in it’s entirety if you do not want to click on the link or do not have a twitter is…
"“Dean Short emailed your comments in the AZ Republic regarding the Dbacks and me,” Kendrick wrote from his personal AOL address. “Of course, I don’t subscribe to that publication or have any respect for you and your self serving public statements. However, my reaction to your comments is that you are an arrogant asshole! A truly toxic combination. It is sad that G&K, a quality law firm, has employed you. I suggest that if our paths ever cross, which I hope they won’t, you should expect a very unfortunate outcome.“P.S. I suspect if my dear friend Mike Kennedy were still with us, he would kick you out of the firm.”"
After Mr. Woods received this email, he was soon informed that his relations with the law firm could not be fixed and he would be let go.
Now whether you like Ken Kendrick or approve of him as the Diamondbacks owner, I do not feel comfortable seeing that the Diamondbacks owner wrote this to a fan. As a fan, I feel it is our duty to push the team, including ownership, to be better, to lobby for the team to improve, be the team we know it can be. That means that we use our wallet, twitter, messages to the Dbacks, and let them know how we feel. Since, if the fans are not happy and not paying, the Diamondbacks could not exist. We love these Arizona Diamondbacks and we hold them to a higher level. A level that we expect from every single member of the team.
I will let you all decide for yourselves on how you feel about what happened, as for myself, I do not agree with what transpired. As always, May the Force Be with You…